Basic Curriculum




Gator Family

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Instructor Training


All Rights Reserved

No part of this manual including curriculum or videos may be reproduced, copied or shared in part or in its’ entirety without the expressed written consent of GFBJJ

Persons accessing this manual, curriculum or videos in whole or in part agree to not compete with GFBJJ within twenty five miles of 127 E. New York Ave. DeLand.

Substantiated violations will incur a $10,000. penalty per occurrence.

Updated 12/08/2022




Congratulations! Our Instructor training program is by invitation only. Students will learn the comprehensive skills necessary to become Instructors at GFBJJ. Internships will provide hands on training and written class procedures. Instructors are responsible for the safety and ultimately the success of anyone on the mats. You will be in charge. It is up to you to facilitate a great experience and provide world class instruction. This is free training and in return students will assist the Lead Instructor in kids, teens and adult classes at agreed upon sessions. Upon your acceptance into the program, you agree to abide by GFBJJ policies and procedures set forth in this manual as well as the GFBJJ Student Handbook. You also agree not to provide trade secrets or disseminate information provided to you from GFBJJ. Welcome to the Team! We look forward to helping you achieve your goals while helping our students and the community achieve theirs.



  1. Be a dedicated student
  2. Exhibit leadership qualities
  3. Up to date membership

Training Course

  1. Internship
  2. Kids / Teen Instruction
  3. Adult Instruction
  4. Instructor Class
  5. Safety
  6. Mat Chats
  7. Technique Demonstration
  8. New Students and trials
  9. Visitors And Drop-ins
  10. Competition Training
  11. Emergencies
  12. Altercations
  13. Have a great class


Interns will learn valuable management, social and life skills. while assisting the lead Instructor during kids, teens and adult classes interns will acquire hands on training. Instructor trainees will stand beside the lead Instructor before and at the end of each class. During kids and teen classes it is necessary to ensure students are paying attention and respecting the Instructors and teammates (No Monkey Business). The Intern will assist the lead Instructor while demonstrating techniques and work one on one with students while they are drilling the techniques and grappling. When there is an odd number of students the intern may partner with one of the students. Interns are required to have a clean gi with an GFBJJ logo. In addition to assisting with regular classes, interns may me required to cover classes when the lead Instructor is unable to. Enough time will be given to prepare for classes and techniques will be provided. This manual will also provide answers to many questions. Although it is not an exhaustive resource, it is a general guideline that is proven to work. Your ideas and observations are welcome. Just like Jiu-Jitsu we are always learning. Sharing our ideas provides exceptional value to all our students.


“Follow your passion. Always be a student.”

Coach Wallace




The Hatchling's class for 3-5 year old's is an action packed, high intensity program that covers self defense in thirty minutes. The idea is to keep youngsters interested while instilling important skills.


It's important to remind students of strength to defend themselves. Warmups should include Backward Breakfalls and seated self defense position as well as a technical standup. It's important to remind students to keep their hands up and eyes forward while standing up.


Hatchlings are young and need your undivided attention. Keep the class going by providing constant instructions. If someone does not adhere to directions, please keep going with class. It is OK! Please use assistants if available to round up non compliant kids. 


Class structure for Hatchlings should be as follows:


5-8 Minutes Warmups:


jogging, inside, outside, high knees, touch your heels, run fast, run slow motion.


Behind The Line- Animal Crawls:

Bear Crawls, Crab Crawls, Frog Jumps, Crazy Monkey Crawls, Alligator Crawls, Backward Bear Crawls, Spider Crawls.


After Animal Crawls it is important to do Backward Breakfall and Technical Standup. Emphasize switching base and going in circles if the bully goes around.


Techniques For Hatchlings:

Arm Grab Defense, Choke Defense, Backward Breakfall, Technical Standup, Scissor Sweep (two hands on one), Bus Driver Sweep, Over the top defense (Big Muscles), Defense from the side (Hands up Step In)


Games for Hatchlings:

Sprawl Ball - Don't let someone grab your legs!

Get the Bacon - Remind everyone it's a reflex drill.

Rolly Polly - Remind everyone they are working on eye hand coordination.

Ball Roundup - Have all students on one wall. Explain they are only allowed to pick up a certain color ball and place it in the bag. When they are done back on the wall. Dump entire bag of balls on the mats. Repeat with a different color until the bag is full : )


Kids / Teen Instruction

Kids and teen classes are forty-five minutes. The following is a guideline for class structure.

Warmups 15 Minutes

Technique 20 Minutes (May continue if more instruction is required)

Game or Mat Chat 10 Minutes (Optional)

Grappling 10 Minutes

Kids classes are fast paced and high energy. Take control from the beginning. A loud “Line Up, Yes Sir, Yes Ma’am!” will get their attention. When demonstrating a technique be sure to look at all the students and use their name if you see their attention somewhere else. Kids from five to ten years old that can be hyper or sleepy, aggressive or submissive. Remember you are teaching a group class and have a schedule to keep. Stay in control using names if behavior is out of hand. Physically moving a kid is acceptable and recommended in the event of a safety issue. Safety First! Have fun and follow the class structure. You’ll do great!

Adult Instruction

Adult classes are one hour. The following is a guideline for class structure.

Warmups 15 Minutes - Drills

Technique 25 Minutes (Allow for questions)

Grappling 20 Minutes (Safety Monitor required)

Begin Adult class by lining up and making any necessary announcements including what you will be going over during class. Be sure to have everyone welcome any new students and use their name. It is imperative that before anyone grapples you make an announcement about rules:

No submissions below the waist, No Wrist Locks, No Neck Cranks.

A Gator Pit (Sweep, submit, Pass) is recommended for multiple safety monitors.

Be sure to thank any guests or new students and be available to answer any questions. Direct to front desk or lead instructor for pricing.


Our student’s safety is our number one priority! Trainees will be given tools to spot situations where accidents may occur and procedures to follow if they do. Aggressive behavior will not be tolerated. Some kids, teens and even adults may not work well together. It’s important to notice the choice of words they use and specifically their body language. Students that may otherwise be quiet and slow to anger suddenly become very aggressive and train out of control. Be on the lookout for subtle changes in behavior when students are partnered up. It would be necessary to choose their partners for them in certain instances. Beyond customary training if a Hatchling, Kid or Teen pushes, punches or kicks another student or Instructor they are to be removed from the mats immediately. They are not allowed to return until they have had a meeting with Professor Wallace. In the event an adult punches or kicks someone they are to be removed from the property immediately.

Mat Chats

Kids and teens classes will have weekly Mat Chats. These quick discussions can be on numerous topics usually planned for the month. They can include bullying, respect, manners and courtesy. The discussion begins with students seated in front of you. You begin by asking all of them if they know what the topic of the month means. The next step is to ask each student for an example of the topic. The next question to the students is what they plan to do in the coming week about the topic. Be prepared to ad lib because students give very intelligent answers. It’s also very important to be supportive of all students.

Technique Demonstration

It’s important to understand that all people learn differently. Some by watching, some by doing, some by hearing or a combination of all. Going slow, speaking clearly and explaining all of the details several times. It’s good to finish up by demonstrating the technique at ¾ speed to finish up. Be sure to ask if there are any questions often. Beware of questions that start with “What If”. It’s perfectly acceptable to answer slight body movement counters but be sure to leave different techniques for another day. Ask the kids and teens to point out the next step in detail. It’s an interactive technique that gets them involved and thinking. It also helps everyone else remember the details. Walk around and give pointers to all students. Knowing how long it takes to do all of this sets the pace as you only have a specific allotted time.

 New Students and Trials

All new trials will begin on Mondays. If a person has prior Jiu-Jitsu experience the trial is only one day. A signed waiver is required before anyone steps on the mats! Waivers must be signed by a parent or guardian for anyone under the age of eighteen. 

New students can be apprehensive to try new things and be aggressive on the flip side. New students will do things you’ve never seen before. Be sure to welcome new students and give them a brief tour of the studio. Remember, no shoes on the mats and be sure to bow before entering training area. Assume the new student has no experience training martial arts. Be sure to welcome the new student at the beginning of class and let them know they may ask any questions. The basics should be pointed out clearly. Make sure the new student is aware he or she may just watch if they are uncomfortable. Never force anyone out of their comfort zone as a beginner. It is acceptable and suggested to partner a new student with an experienced student. This can help the new student with one on one training so that you can run the class efficiently. Grappling is not mandatory for any student. If they choose to grapple it is extremely important that they know they are not to train aggressively or out of control. It is recommended that you roll with the new student first to get an idea of how they react to training. If something is concerning, you may have to let the new student watch or partner them back with an experienced student. Be sure to thank the new student again at the end of class for training and make yourself available to answer question. Pricing questions should be directed to the front desk personnel.



Visitors And Drop-Ins

It's exciting that we have visitors from around the world. It is GFBJJ Policy that all visitors and drop-ins call us first to schedule a visit. No one just walking in will be allowed on the mats. Please be courteous and instruct the walk in that they may schedule a visit by calling our studio at 386-624-6739. A signed waiver is required before anyone steps on the mats. While the majority of visitors just want to train it is important to remember some may come with an agenda and we want to first and foremost keep our members safe. After being vetted Professor Wallace will notify all Instructors of the scheduled visitor. Instructors should be aware that higher ranking visitors should not be used for demonstrations or allowed to show techniques. They are visiting and should be treated like all other students. It is imperative before grappling that the entire class be reminded that no submissions below the waist are allowed.



Competition Training

Competition training is for members only and for those registered or serious about competing. The Instructor should format the training with drilling, specific competition techniques and timed live grappling starting from standing. 


Open Mats


Instructors should be aware only registered members are allowed on the mats during open mats. No visitors, family, friends or drop-ins are allowed. Anyone not engaged in grappling or drilling should exit the mats. Safety monitors should be selected to watch and prevent collisions. Safety is of utmost concern. Instructors should address attendees on safety precautions before open mat begins. 


Combat sports can cause serious injury. Unfortunately, accidents can happen. When they do it is extremely important to address the situation immediately. Try to determine the injury first and foremost. Stop any bleeding and or isolate any injured extremity. If the student is unconscious, dial 911 immediately. If the student is coherent, ask them what they want to do. Most of the time the pain from an injury will subside quickly. Be sure to keep talking to the injured student and keep an eye on them. When class is over it is imperative to get a written statement from the student and anyone they were training with at the time of injury. This is required for insurance purposes. In the event of an emergency and the studio needs to be evacuated, stay calm and direct everyone out of the building. Exits are in the front and back of the studio and are clearly indicated by overhead signs. Make certain everyone has evacuated and contact the proper authorities if necessary.


Aggression can sometimes get the best of people. The will to win or even settle the score is human nature. Never allow aggression to get out of hand. Immediately separate any individuals that have shown aggression or exchanged words. Get other students to help you. Speak with one person at a time in private. Try to speak calmly and find out what started the altercation. It is important to try and diffuse the situation. The more they talk and express their feelings the better they will feel. Most times the two involved will calm down and talk it out. If you feel it would be better that they not continue class, escort them from the premises. Outside you can inform them, their actions will not be tolerated.


Have A Great Class


Instructing is much like Jiu-Jitsu. It has many moving parts. Issues will arise that are not covered in this manual. Jiu-Jitsu is ever evolving. This manual will evolve too. Above all “Have a Great Class.” Your students will remember how you made them feel, not what you said or did. Happy students tell their friends which in turn provides more training partners. GFBJJ’s mission is to positively impact student’s lives through world class instruction that instills confidence and betters our community. You are that conduit. Your students will look to you for help. It is an honor and a privilege to be an instructor. You will never have all the answers. No one will. Just remember “Have A Great Class!”