Front Desk Administration




WAIVER: Please take the time to read the waiver for yourself and understand the content. Any person on the mats must have read and signed the waiver, or in the case of a *previous guest, have one on file. Anyone under the age of 18 years old must have this filled out by their parent or legal guardian. Make sure all lines are filled in and legible. If something is left blank, please ask guests to complete the information, even if they are from out of town or something else (for our various insurance reasons). Please leave these on the desk for the next day.  

*Previous guest: You will be notified by Coach Wallace or LeeAnn if someone other than a member will be coming in for a class, open mat, etc. No one is allowed on mats unless they have been scheduled to do so.  

GROUP WAIVER: We use a group waiver for private classes such as Women’s Self Defense, Private Classes, Birthday parties, etc. These will be made up for each event and only ask for printed name and signatures. 


MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION: Please take the time to read the application for yourself and understand the content. This form is filled out when joining in person. I do not send them via email or text. We fill in the area regarding monthly, yearly payments and the cost of uniforms All lines must be filled out and initialed and signed by member or parent/guardian where noted and legible. I write in the upper right-hand corner the added cost of the first month’s membership and uniforms, so they see what is being charged today. For future costs, see Credit Card Authorization Form. This newly completed form should be left on the desk for the next day. 

Current members completed applications are in plastic file container under the bench until at some time in future there is an office with a filing cabinet.  


CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION: Please take the time to read the authorization form for yourself and understand the content. This is used for the members recurring monthly or yearly payments and promotional belts. All new members are required to make membership payments through an automatically charged card on file, unless previously arranged by Coach Wallace or LeeAnn. I prefer to fill this form out myself so I know I can read when adding it to the auto pay system. Auto payments are handled through a system called Stripe. They will receive an email from Stripe when their payment is processed. The new member will initial and sign where needed.  




Any time a member needs to change the card on file, or their payment amount changes a new form must be filled out. We request a 15 day notification to change or cancel their scheduled payments. 



ATTENDANCE CARDS: An Attendance Card must be made for each new member. Blank ones are currently in the green basket on shelf/desk. Please write the first and last name, Month and Year of joining and an emergency phone number in ink. The belt status should be written in pencil, as this will change before the card is filled. On the back of cards note Gi/Belt size at top. On the bottom mark a K, T or A. K=Kids, T=Teens, A=Adults. Please print. Some of our Adult cards are marked AM/PM in the middle. This was noted because when we added the AM classes for the Adults, they had an option to pay an upgrade to add the AM classes. Not all opted in. Anyone who has joined after February 2023 the AM classes are reflected in the membership rate that they pay. 


RATE SHEET: Please take the time to read the rate sheets for yourself and understand the content. There are two separate rate sheets, Hatchlings and Jiu-Jitsu. Please give the appropriate rate sheet to everyone on their first day of trial and explain the program. With prior enrollments not everyone is currently paying the prices on the rate sheet, so always refer to the current sheet when quoting prices. We do offer a Family Rate but that includes Jiu-Jitsu programs only. All new enrollments must be set up with auto pay (credit card on file) unless previously arranged with Coach Wallace or LeeAnn. 





GUESTS: Anyone who is a not a current member is not allowed to participate in classes, open mats, etc. unless you have been notified by Coach Wallace or LeeAnn. All free week trials have been scheduled and you will be notified of anyone that has done so. If you have no knowledge of the trial please ask them to stay and watch the class and ask them to get in touch with Coach Wallace or LeeAnn to get it scheduled. 

We occasionally get calls from out-of-town visitors who want to train. We do welcome these students but do not allow anyone to just drop in. We want to schedule these when Coach Wallace is there 


FREE WEEK TRIAL: The free week trial is available for those who have never trained in Jiu-Jitsu. They are scheduled in advance and again, you will have been notified. The trial is Monday through Thursday in the same week. We do not carry them over into another week unless something big, like a hurricane, prevents us from being open. A loaner uniform will be provided and will remain in the studio. We recommend to all doing the trial: wear comfortable gym type clothing (the Gi is worn over their clothes), wear easy on and off shoes AND bring water. The loaner Gis are in the office and labeled by size. Please familiarize the sizing to an existing student for size selection, there are notes with names on shelf for reference. If you get one that is too big or small and you need to pull a different size, please fold the unused one and restock The Adult sizes are on the top shelf and Kids/Teens below. The bundle includes the belt. Please help or have a Class Assistant help the new person put on the Gi and tie the belt. There is a place provided for the student to hang the Gi up after class and make sure a Class Assistant helps them at the end of class. There is a coat rack type board in the back of studio with hooks to hang up the Gi and belt. Trial students only need to fill out a waiver on the first day. Other forms are filled out when they join. 


DROP INS: A Drop In must always be scheduled in advance with Coach Wallace, even if someone says they are only in town for that day. Drop Ins are not new membership potential customers. We occasionally get calls from out-of-town visitors who want to train. We do welcome these students but do not allow anyone to just drop in un-announced. We want to schedule these when Coach Wallace is there. We do charge a Mat Fee and will inform you of the cost when these are scheduled and need to be paid at the start of class. NO FREE CLASS is available.  





FREE CLASS WITH PRIOR EXPERIENCE: We offer one free class, again scheduled in advance to any person interested in becoming a member. This person may have recently moved to the area, be a Stetson student, or member at another nearby academy and already have an idea of what jiu-jitsu is. They can wear their own Gi if it has no *Rocker on it. Also, they should have their own belt. If they do not have a Gi or belt a loaner will be supplied. All loaner belts are white, we do not loan a colored belt if they claim they have earned one. We ask where their previous training was, how long ago and what level they attained. We would also like to know what has brought them to our studio/area, as mentioned above. 

“Drop Ins” always must be scheduled in advance with Coach Wallace, even if someone says they are only in town for that day. They may be visiting the area and want to train. We welcome guests but only with prior scheduling. 

*Rocker is a patch or embroidered logo of a name or image showing affiliation with another Professor, school/academy, etc.  


PHONE CALLS: When phone inquiries come in, please find out what program they are interested in. If you are not comfortable with explaining everything, please get their name and phone number and relay this information to Coach Wallace or LeeAnn on the same shift and let the caller know we will call them back. 

 If you feel comfortable discussing the programs, the best questions to ask are: 

What program? Experience?  



FIRST DAY OF TRIAL: When a new Hatching, Kid or Teen “student” arrives, introduce the student to Coach or Class Assistant. They should explain bowing, where to put their stuff, and assist with a uniform (if required), where to wait for class to start, how to line up, for class, etc. If a Hatchling or Kid’s Jiu-Jitsu student is hesitant to go with the Coach/Class Assistant, the parent may remove their shoes and sit on bench that is closer to the mats. The waiver can be filled out while the new student is getting settled. Once class gets underway it is a good time to give the parents a Rate Sheet and explain how that program works.  After class is over have Instructor/Class Assistant show new student where to hang their uniform. Thank them for coming in and inviting them to return tomorrow.  

Adults will need to fill out waiver and need some assistance with where to store their personal items, reminder to bow, uniforms, etc.  

Thursdays are the last day of Trial. Please place all used Gis and belts in a clean garbage bag (found in office) and leave bag on office floor for laundry service to pickup. 


FIRST DAY OF MEMBERSHIP: On a student’s first day after trial and they are joining have the Membership Application completed, fill out the Credit Card Authorization Form to start in one month and make them an Attendance Card and get them fitted for a Gi. Depending on the student, Kids & Teens try to give them some growing room for their Uniform. A white belt is included in the bag with the Gi. If someone is purchasing a new Gi only, existing or transfer students, remove the white belt and leave in office. After the Gi has been fitted charge their credit card the appropriate amount. (We try to stock one of every size Gi in the basic sizes: Y00-Y2 (Kids/Teens) and A0-A3 (Adults). Anything larger than an A3 must be specially ordered but does not cost any more. Explain washing instructions for Gis and belt. Inform the new student to check their email (check their SPAM) over the next few days for the Welcome and Student Handbook. We have a page on Facebook and Instagram, ask them to look and feel free to check in. Our website reflects our weekly and monthly class calendar. It is located under the Schedule tab. The calendar is generally up to date for the current year.  

A Coach or Class Assistant can also help with the Gi & Belt, Attendance Cards. 


DROP IN ATTENDEE: If you have been notified of a Drop In, Coach Wallace or LeeAnn will have gone over all instructions with you. These scenarios differ for most every Drop In. 






ATTENDANCE CARDS: Simple recording of attendance is noted with month and day. After marking the cards place back in appropriate category holder. Placement of the attendance card in the IN box for class is the student’s responsibility but is always better to do a head count per class and match it with the number of cards. That way if there is any discretion at testing time the cards are as accurate as much as possible. Open Mats and Competition Training do not get recorded as a class. When a card becomes full, please make a new one and file the full card with their membership application. Please note on the side of new cards how many classes since their last testing period in pencil along the right-hand side. A testing date is highlighted in yellow When a Kid or Teen does not have enough classes to test for that period, mark a straight line on the last class in that period. The new accumulation of classes starts the Monday after Testing. Classes do not roll over. 


GENERAL CLEANING: The studio should be kept clean and presentable. Not all cleaning has to be done every day but should be checked.  

Things to check: 

Bathroom for paper supplies, soap, wipe down vanity, clean toilet, empty garbage as needed. 

White shelves where students store their personal items can be cleaned on a needed basis and locker room area swept 

Front seating areas should be swept, benches wiped down, desk areas dusted, empty garbage as needed, and shoes stored in the appropriate area. Windex the front door inside and out.  

Cleaning supplies are under the front bench, top shelf in locker room and vanity in bathroom. Backup supplies are in the office.  

Mats should be cleaned everyday with the large blue dust mop before opening by the Coach, Instructor or Class Assistant. 


COACH/INSTRUCTORS/CLASS ASSISTANTS: Please take the time to read our Coach/Instructor Student handbooks for yourself and understand their content. 



KIDS/TEENS TESTING: A minimum of 8 classes is required to be eligible to Test for that period. Testing day does count for one of the 8. Other requirements are determined by Coach Wallace. The beginning of the Test period does not start on the first day of every month, it is the Monday after Testing In general, Testing is the last Thursday in a calendar month (excluding some holiday months and hurricanes).  

ADULTS: See Coach/Instructor Handbook for details.